It doesn’t matter if you’ve read Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series or if you’re just curious about the TV adaptation for other reasons. My advice is simple: don’t waste your time watching the show. Instead, read Asimov’s books. You’ll enjoy them far more. Let me explain why. The Foundation series, available on Apple TV+, is supposedly based on Asimov’s books, particularly the trilogy Foundation , Foundation and Empire , and Second Foundation . However, it also borrows elements from other books that complement the trilogy, such as The Complete Robot , Foundation’s Edge , and even Foundation and Earth , along with bits of other Asimov works. As with any TV adaptation, it’s natural for the story to be rewritten and altered—especially for a work like Foundation , which spans centuries and features countless characters. Significant adjustments were to be expected. But what we see in the series is more than an adaptation: it’s a complete disfigurement of Asimov’s masterpiece. If he were ali...
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